Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ice road

This is about a quarter of the town, It is way bigger than I thought. In this shot you can see the ice road, the police station, and the Coppermine hotel. I crawled up this hill in front of my house to see the view.

DH is coming May 5---WOOHOOO


  1. Dear DH....Please go straight to Nunavut before your DW steps on a crack, floats out to sea on a burg (although first you have to find the sea, and apparently it's under the ice)and becomes polar bear compost for her garden. At least she's wearing speedbumps (aka backpacks) so she won't roll allll the way down the hill onto a crack.
    That's all
    Love Sis

  2. He can't swim so I know he will not go near the crack...LMAO speedbumps, depend what I have in it at the time. Most times books, or groceries, or sewing. That night it was the sewing thank goodness. Groceries are to expensive to roll on.
    I walked out on the ice road a bit today. I did not lay down and scoot along on my belly even. I did tip toe through some areas though.

  3. so what I wanna know is.......are there street signs saying "watch for cracks" "Cracks ahead" "Crack zone" "speed limit reduced ahead - cracks"
    You are so brave for walking on it - I think tip toeing will help for sure.
    Sewing kit = Hazardous rolling. Wouldn't ya think?

  4. Carina is that you from Courtney?

    Cor on my way home with frozen legs the Search and rescue building said something about not leaving your machine on the ice. Im thinking that has something to do with a quick exit. My legs are not quick enough. I need wings to get off that quick.

  5. Especially don't leave your machine on a crack!!
