Friday, March 25, 2011

Everyone gone camping

Well I can't believe that they go camping with all this snow on the ground. But spring is in the air around here, everyone is buzzing around, the snow mobiles are constantly going by.

People are off to their cabins that they have all along the shore and along Victoria Island. Not sure how they declare there spot to put a cabin, but when they have the cabin it's theirs and nobody else uses it. They said that town will be dead this weekend as everyone is out on the land. They are spending time with family hunting, fishing and playing outside.

They have said my personal effects will be here on Monday. I will believe it when I see it.

I just went for a walk to what I thought was the ocean shore but It is the mouth of the river I have found out. I walked out a bit, but too strange for me to walk on water. It would be too cold if I fell in. I know they drive cars on it but what if I stepped on a crack or something. Maybe the truck made a crack and then well you know I have a bit of an issue about walking on water.

Still feels strange when I walk on the snow, like where is the bottom? How deep is this stuff? what if I sink? hmmm. They other day I kinda fell and it was very soft and was more like a roll. ( have at er It looked real good to I'm sure. Still feels like I'm walking on the moon, with the sound of the snow  kinda cracking sounds under, the sound of my breathing and all the clothes. even the hills are flat on top like craters. But then the snow looks totally like icing sugar. It moves like it as well.

Another week is gone, that makes three!


  1. Sorry - laughing too hard to comment much now - but I have a lot of comments.
    Was the roll in slo-mo? Was is like an Eskimo roll? Oh - No...that's done in a kayak.
    Would the crack in the ice be like the dude in Ice Age chasing his nut?
    Oh - look, it's the Ocean. No....It's the river...wait, no, definitely ocean. Yup - it's a river. I think you may need to wait to head out on your hunting expedition.
    I had no idea you had so many crack fears.....hmmmm. Childhood trauma? Where was I?

  2. No way i'm chaing my nut out there. My luck it would crack off and i'd be floating out on a berg or something. Next timeI do a roll I'll have to lick it and see what it taste like...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You would be on an Episode of Lonely Planet - yes....that is Shannon floating and bobbing on the berg out there. She stepped on a crack.

  5. Lonely planet at least someone might find me...HELP!!SOS!!
    Oh I didn't mention about the roll..I had my backpak on so it wwas all smooth till I hit the lumpy backpack.

  6. The two of you "crack" me up :) LOL!!!
    New Yorker

  7. New Yorker what does Pappu mean? When you coming to visit me?

  8. Pappu is a generic endearment for a young male or child or son.
    New Yorker

  9. Pappu can't dance is a really funny Bollywood song - that's what we are referring to.
