Sunday, May 15, 2011

What time is it??

Yesterday was gorgeous, Sun like I have never seen. It was so warm we were out in our t-shirts.

We decided to showel the snow off our deck last night. We got the door cleared so we could open it and get into our storage shed. We opened it to find stuff from the last tenant still in it. Mostly packaging garbage. But a christmas tree and a tent, now we can go camping...NOT. Sweating and hard work felt good in the sun. When we came back in we plunked on the couch and looked at the time, it was 11:30. We started to laugh there is no way we knew it was that late. Sorry neighbours for the late night noise.
We have our place looking really nice and it feels like home. Reza is very happy and says everyday thanks for bringing me here. He was pretty nervous for this kind of change. Today the sun is shinning beautiful again, so it is out on the deck again to start my little green house. We have showeled all the snow into our moving bins for outside water and it also keeps the greenhouse warmer. I have heard that in a few weeks when the river starts to break up the water can get salty, that is not good for plants.
My lettuce is an inch high, I have sprouted green and red pee/ppers, beans, tomatos, and herbs. They are very happy with this 24hour light. I need to get a tempiture gage for my green house, I need advice from Kerrie (Weather specialist).

1 comment:

  1. Come on up! All the cooperation you need...heehe
    Be very careful they tell me the cracks are coming... Only thing is ...what is really under this snow is it frozen water and is it land? Have to stick to the high ground!
